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Версия для слабовидящих
Official site of Bishkek
History of Bishkek
City Governance
City stories
International Cooperation
Версия для слабовидящих
11 January 2021
Plant your tree: landscaping of the capital continues.
08 January 2021
Vice-Mayor of the capital A. Chynybayeva met with representatives of the Turkic Council
06 January 2021
Bishkek has a new chief architect
04 January 2021
In 2020, citizens have violated by more than 11.7 million soms.
04 January 2021
Traffic lights, video recorders and fines
04 January 2021
Thank you for your service!
04 January 2021
The New Year begins with gratitude!
31 December 2020
Staff rotation in the mayor's office.
31 December 2020
In the capital's mayor's office some staff changes.
23 December 2020
Metropolitan schoolchildren won bronze at the V Moscow International Olympiad of Megacities
23 December 2020
Election of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic: Headquarter and call centers will work in the capital
09 December 2020
We invite citizens to improve our mini-Arbat