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Версия для слабовидящих
Official site of Bishkek
History of Bishkek
City Governance
City stories
International Cooperation
Версия для слабовидящих
22 February 2021
Renovation of capital hospitals financed by the World Bank are coming to an end
19 February 2021
Hippodrome "Ak-Kula" on site
19 February 2021
Sorry! On February 21, there will be no water in one area
18 February 2021
The metropolitan municipality has a collegium. What did they decide?
18 February 2021
18 street teenagers were identified in the Sverdlovsk region
18 February 2021
We say No to slippery markings: a city in search of new technologies
18 February 2021
Vice-Mayor A. Sagyndyk uulu checks the roads
16 February 2021
Mobile clinics will operate in 7 residential areas of the capital (schedule)
15 February 2021
Bishkek has joined the global initiative to make cities more resilient to disasters
12 February 2021
A medical council of the city health department was held in the capital
12 February 2021
New representatives from the townspeople at the LRA Commission
12 February 2021
Additional selection of children for free education at the Gazprom Kyrgyzstan school